From beginning to final
/Last week I shared the first pass on this collage grid—and today I finished it. For this piece, I was practicing 1) intuitive composition, 2) how to add layers of color and pattern to create more depth and interest, and 3) keeping an eye on the full page composition for unity and balance.
Oh man, choice is such a big part of creating! Every item, every color and mark, comes down to making a choice—which can be paralyzing. I notice that I am developing stronger trust in my intuition—I know that there’s a part of me that knows something more than my conscious mind does—which often proves to be true.
For this page, though, I was focused mostly on visual integrity more than any deeper meanings—and i found that after the images were in place, I felt paralyzed by all the ways I could complete each one—and I didn’t want to choose. So I copied the page twice and tried different ways to complete each composition—and then I made final choices on the original page.