Wonder Goggles? — 52 Cards Project #33
/#33 of my 52 Cards Project for 2022
Hmmm, so how do I explain this one? Well, thinking about what my theme should be for my 52 Cards project this week, an idea kept niggling. It came from someone new to me online, Andrea Scher, friend of artist Kelly Rae Roberts, who I have followed for years also because of her creative and joyful approach to life.
Both women are visual artists, writers and entrepreneurs and much younger than me, but honestly I just love the way they seem to fill their lives with color and friends, love, art, connection and deep, soulful Truth. So I listen when they write.
We all want more of that, right?
So I subscribed to Andrea’s newsletter and received a follow-up gift called “9 ways to experience more wonder right now.”
I opened that up and the first directive on her list is “put on your wonder goggles” and go out in the world and see the world for the wonder it is.
Wonder Goggles?
The idea stuck with me this week. I mentioned being a bit older than these women…it seems with every decade I have to fight harder for that child-like sense of wonder and joy I had so effortlessly when I was young.
I have to keep remembering to put on those wonder goggles!
To be curious. To fight complacency. To remember to look for and notice the absolutely amazing conditions, the deep complexities and the awesome mystery of our existence. Right now. Here.
As Scher reminds us, “Wonder is waiting to happen all around you, but you have to be there for it.”