Up--52 Cards Project #40
/#40 of my 52 Cards Project
I had trouble finding a theme for this week for my 52 Cards Project. It has been a busy week, coming back from holiday and catching up on all the things. We also had two birthday celebrations and I’m also aware that I’ll be away for most of November and part of December so I’m beginning to prepare for that.
So anyway. What would be my theme for the week? I usually sit down and brainstorm for a bit, but for a while nothing really came to me—except I kept getting an image of a spiral staircase but I didn’t know why. That is, I had no meaning attached. In Chicago there was an amazing staircase at the Museum of Contemporary Art…
But that didn’t seem to be apropos.
Nothing else came to me, though, so I decided to trust my intuition and just go with it. I drew a spiral staircase…and then I realized that yes, the week did kind of feel like I was looking up from the bottom to the top and realizing I had a lot to go. Ahhh.
And that was my week.
P.S. I looked up the symbolism of a spiral staircase after the fact—and it seems my intuition may be trying to tell me even more. The spiral is an ancient symbol and geometric shape, of course. We find spirals in nature everywhere around us—shells, flowers, galaxies…and the spiral is in fact our very DNA. So as a symbol, the spiral is loaded with spiritual and esoteric meaning—but as far as for me right now? I think I’m just going to have to wait for more clarity.
Up is all I got.