Self Reflection 52 Cards Project #6
/A week of me seeing me
The theme for this week’s card came to me one early morning as I stumbled to the kitchen for my coffee. I loaded my Keurig (filling coffee into my reusable one-cup metal filter, hit start), and then I leaned against the counter and looked around. And there was Oliver, our very loved and stubborn cat, standing at the door as he usually does at 6am.
Like he had any chance I’d let him out. It was still dark out and there’s coyotes around here.
But he stood there anyway, and I saw that what he was really staring at…was himself. When he turned his head around and looked up at me, I imagined him saying, “Come on, we think it’s time for me to go outside.”
That little moment stuck with me and sometime later I realized that maybe I’m a lot like Oliver. I have a “we” inside my head, too. The me watching the me…the me talking TO me.
“What are ‘you’ doing today,” I ask myself…
“Oh look,” I think. “There I go again, worrying about nothing…”
“Look at you sitting here in front of the computer and trying to think of another example…”
Oh, the endless chatter. Which is one of the reasons why I’ve taken up meditation.
We think it’s time for me to go inside.
Slow down and watch my Self think, return to my breath, think…