Muse — 52 Cards Project #19
/#19 of my 52 Cards Project—Muse
This week’s theme for my 52 Cards Project, seemed just right: a lot of musing (verb), languishing in a state of muse (the noun)…and yes, looking for inspiration. Maybe I was also hoping that a Muse straight from the Greek otherworld might come along too. Calliope, Erato, Melpomene…Polymnia, Terpsichord, Thalia, Urania—someone help me!!
Seriously, it’s been another week of searching. I continued on, exploring and experimenting with abstracts and collage and sketching—and musing about the kind of art I want to make…
And in the meantime, another week, another theme card. Hmmm. Art I want to make.
(I think I’m done musing for now.)