Follow the Leader 52 Cards Project #2
/Portrait of my Spiritual Self
Creating this week’s card for my 52 Card Project flowed out of me as I completed my experience of the weeklong Hoffman Process in Petaluma, California, last week. If you don’t know, the Hoffman Institute is renowned for its transformational experience and I’ve been on the wait list to attend for over four months. I It’s hard to put into words what the Hoffman Process is or does—so I’ll give you the surface description from Hoffman itself:
“The weeklong process provides a safe, supportive environment in which participants identify and begin healing negative patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving in any kind of relationship. It’s an “inward bound” journey from head to heart."
It really was an inbound journey and the healing first began in relationship with myself. I can’t yet articulate in words how I feel changed and how my entire perspective has shifted, but as I sat with myself after I left the institute, I could capture the essence, visually, of what I now know: Follow the Leader.
This week’s card is a portrait of my spiritual self heading up the road of the rest of my life. She’s leading—and I am following her because she knows what is true and good.
I know I won’t always follow. In moments, I will forget. But she is there, always, and I will also remember over and over again.
That’s all I can really even say right now. But as I made this week’s card and as I sit here now, looking at it, I feel present, I feel trusting and I feel open. And I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to see my life so much more clearly, to have this life, and to be home.