Gotcha! — 52 Cards Project #32
/#32 of my 52 Cards Project for 2022
At first I was looking for a metaphor for this week’s card for my 52 Card Project.
It was a good week creatively. With time to play and experiment since the daily ICAD Challenge, I felt like more than a few ideas fell into place about what I want to make next and how I want to work. You always know when you’re on the right track when your heart starts humming.
The metaphor for all this, however, eluded me. What would visually communicate what I was feeling this week?
After wracking my brain with no luck, I started looking through my photos —and this one popped up.
I remembered taking it some months ago. Leo is our youngest of three cats (otherwise known “Hogwarts” by some family members in a very convoluted interpretation of naming and events when he was a kitten—it’s a long story). But anyway, Leo was sleeping on my stomach one day when, half asleep, he—
stretched out his paw and touched my mouth. I remember snapping the pic while thinking , “Oh my heart!”
Which I guess could have been the name for this weekly theme card too.