Getting my Ducks in a Row—52 Cards Project #44
/#44 of my 52 Cards Project
This week it’s been all about getting things in order as we get ready for travel and the holidays. The theme for my 52 Cards Project just seemed like an obvious choice!
I had in mind yellow ducks for this card—but it turns out that ducks aren’t yellow. I guess I should have known that…Some ducklings from some species (like the white Pekin and the Mallard) are yellow, and then change colors as adults, but not all ducklings are yellow either. It depends on the species of duck. Also, it seems that maybe this saying came from when they used to set up wooden ducks for old-time carnival shooting galleries—but I’m not sure those were yellow either.
I have to say I get a little kick out of learning new fun facts when creating cards (I’m a nerd that way). Hope it brightens your day too!