What I’ve learned in the first thirty—ICAD 2022
/First 30 index cards for ICAD
I’ve been busy in June making index card art for the Index Card A Day Challenge (ICAD) hosted by Tammy Garcia of Daisy Yellow Art. The challenge runs for 61 days—June and July—and I’ve been sharing cards daily on Instagram—but this is a good midway point to stop and reflect a moment.
Here are the first 30 cards, close up and more orderly than the above photo:
I decided to join the challenge at the last minute on June 1. Tammy has been running this challenge for twelve years now, every June and July, and I did complete it probably about 10 years ago when I was just starting my art journey. But I haven’t participated since.
I’m super glad I decided to take the plunge this year!
With ICAD, I’ve learned the value of being less critical and more open—and I think my creative compass has been recalibrated.
You see, this is quick art on index cards that has to be completed every day. I want to spend as little time as possible on it (20 minutes being a goal I sometimes hit, but up to one hour is more often the reality). I have other things to do! So I have to work fast and loose.
As an artist I usually work slowly. Sometimes that’s good because I give myself the time I need, but the truth is I fight perfectionism. I am highly self-critical.
So for this challenge I am forcing myself to “just go with” an idea or a piece in progress that doesn’t seem to work. And there’s been a big payoff. Sometimes, on any day, I’m not happy with the art. And that’s when I get to practice less self-criticism and remind myself tomorrow is another day.
But sometimes—often—I’m surprised and even delighted. What feels like “bad” and “mistake” turns out to be fun or interesting—and I get ideas for more finalized work later.
AND, as I step back here and look at the work as a whole—I’m pleased. Individual flaws matter less. Whaddya know?
I’m sure I will take this lesson in perfectionism into my art practice going forward.
I’m also enjoying doing the challenge with other people. Every day I check out other participants’ art on Instagram at #dyicad2022 (I’m forever grateful to Tammy for pointing out the “Recents” table” when you look at a hashtag screen).
I’m loving how others approach the daily prompts and the challenge and I’ve found other artists whose work I admire to follow.
I also get ideas (but I never check out what others do for a prompt until I have completed mine for the day—personal rule I recommend to avoid even subconscious copying).
ONE of those ideas is a new approach for the final 31 days of the challenge.
Like several other ICAD artists, I’m going to work to a theme. I plan to also still use the prompts, but I’m going to make ICAD in July an opportunity to explore a new-to-me kind of art/art style that is more abstract and shape-driven.
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see my day to day progress. Otherwise, Stay tuned here at the end of the month for the what happens next!
OH—and BTW—it’s not too late for YOU to join the challenge too!
One month is a great timeframe! You can go to the Daisy Yellow ICAD 2022 page for details and lists of weekly prompts (if you want to use prompts), but basically all you really need is a stack of index cards and a few art implements of choice (paper and glue? pen and ink? pencil? crayons? Thread and fabric? WHATEVER!).
Fill an index card a day in any way and post it on your instagram account with the hashtag: #dyicad2022 so others doing the challenge can see what you’re doing. THAT’S ALL!