Collage sketching
/collage + watercolor and ink - art journal
Looking through my work lately, it seems my subject matter is all over the place—from landscapes to buildings to figures, from urban sketching to concept art to portraits and abstracts. A not so kind inner voice might go on about how I have no focus (and what the hell are you doing?) but the deeper, much kinder voice tells me to just keep going.
I really can’t claim to know which voice will win, but in the meantime I decided to take yet another turn and play with collage cut outs—if for no other reason that my latest art journal is just pages from being filled and I want to finish it…and yes, for some reason, I felt the need to explore color and shape.
In the end, I always say follow your intuition.
So I cut out a bunch of random shapes from magazines — and also kept the negative space pieces—and then experimented with what are just quick collage sketches. Above, my guy looking over his shoulder (awkwardly peering back over the crease in the two page spread), started just with the shapes—his hands.
Below, I played with botanicals a bit. If I wanted, I think I could take this idea and create much more refined and finished pieces…but I think I might be satisfied with the quick sketches:
4 pages in my art journal - botanical collage sketches
From there, I took the remaining pieces on my desk and made this:
negative magazine cut outs in my art journal
And finally this:
I think that’s my inner critic by the end of the session…what. are. you. doing???
I’m not sure I can say right now—and I’m okay with that.