We're in this together

Hello! Welcome to the next edition of my weekly habit of sharing.

Five things I want to share with you this week

  1. It’s so important to take care of our physical, mental and emotional and health, now more than ever. I really like this counselor’s tips for managing toxic thoughts. I also like Alexandra’s advice to cultivate the opposite and Susannah’s Operation for Mental Health Self Care . I have my own Operation Self Care regime that includes daily exercise, creating and journaling. What’s yours?

  2. I thought the point in this book review is worth noting: in disasters people come together. If you are not currently challenged financially, one way way to give back is to “continue paying for local services” as well as buy gift cards and order takeout from local restaurants. Also consider supporting your local food bank and an animal shelter near you that suffers from severe underfunding (like this one). Also, Here’s what some celebrities are doing to give back. I hope others are encouraged to do the same!

  3. Because I know you agree with me that we’re all better for reading more deeply on important topics, here’s a couple of reads for your weekend: “exploring how the nation can emerge from this crisis stronger, fairer and more free.” (I love how they begin with the crisis in historical context ) Also, This Pandemic is Not Your Vacation.

  4. And there are times we just need distraction! This quarantine music video is fun: Dance Song (For the End of the World). Or read a good love story: I enjoyed Anna Quinlan’s Still Life With Bread Crumbs this week. And I really enjoyed this episode of the Broken Brain Podcast: How to Find Your Voice, Heal the Past, and change Your LIfe with IN-Q.

  5. Finally, you might know that I’m kind of obsessive about my creative practice. Whenever I begin to doubt myself, though, I find a way to keep going—and inevitably I find another project to get excited about like I did this week. Why? Yep. Doing It for Love.

Peace and joy until next week—


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