I'm compelled to share the good stuff


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Welcome to Issue #1 of my Good Stuff Letter! On most Saturdays I’m sharing the things I’ve read, watched, listened to—and loved —that week.

I’m a bit obsessive as a reader and consumer of content, and people around me notice that I’m constantly sharing the gems with them.

“Ooh, I just came across…”

“Oh, you should read…”

“I just found…”

“Did you know…?”

I guess I am so grateful that we now have access to all these people, experiences, ideas and insights—to each other—that we never had pre-internet. I just gobble up as much of the good stuff as I can and I feel a great need to pay it forward.

I believe we have this amazing opportunity as human beings to create, build understanding and find solutions — which, who knows, might give us enough wisdom and insight to save the earth and ourselves. *

Certainly, spreading the good stuff that people create from the left column of my list table above is a step in the right direction.

May it be so. 🙏

* Of course, the opposite is true. Unprecedented connection and access also gives people the opportunity to work from ulterior motives hidden below the surface of pretty much everything in the right column—and do great harm. All the more reason for us create, consume and share the good stuff. Let’s focus our energies there.

If you feel moved to comment on any piece, feel free to share your comments on at the bottom of this post (if you got this letter in your inbox click here).

Good Stuff This Week

This week I begin with some important, but dark pieces that fall under the category of “build understanding”— but how do you end the darkness? With light! You’ll find ideas for more light toward the bottom of this week’s link list.

From President George W. Bush's chief speechwriter, Michael Gerson

“…God help us. It is hard to write the words. This evil — the evil of white supremacy… Some political choices are not just stupid or crude. They represent the return of our country’s cruelest, most dangerous passion. Such racism indicts Trump. Treating racism as a typical or minor matter indicts us.”

We Americans really never thought we would come to this. Why Stripping American Citizens of their Passports is a Precursor to Genocide

This picturel! As someone said recently, we are currently living in a time where we have to walk and chew gum at the same time as we work to save the earth and democracy. But oh, the earth is something we just can’t ignore.

I’m one who sees the big picture, though, and as threatening as human-cased climate change and government’s abuse of power might be, I do know everything is connected. Political, social, technological, economic, and cultural forces both shape individuals and are shaped by individuals who believe and act and gather with others that become these forces!

I guess what I’m saying is that it’s time we believe and act in very different, very new (to us) and more constructive ways.

Like this: Proposals for the Feminine Economy — Business as Art? Jennifer Armbrust’s vision for how we could create our world in a way that supports the planet and human beings based on feminist principles, blows me away. Don’t miss her Creative Mornings video, also featured on this link. THIS is how we heal our world. (If I were on a career path, I’d want to enroll: see Feminist's Business School.) Also sidenote: men can most definitely be feminists and sadly, many women are not. Let’s bring them all on board!

Stay in the Game — This is such a wonderful true story Rohan shares — you will love this. Good reminder that we never know where help comes from—or how much we can affect someone else. Power of compassion and love, my friends.

And while the big path slowly unfolds…

Take Action — If you’re feeling outraged and helpless about current racist and immoral policies against immigrants, here’s a great list of specific actions to take and organizations to help.

Or how about this one small change in how we act in the world: The Life Changing Magic of Making Do

Or even as simple as this: Words That Matter