Truth—52 Cards Project #23

Truth—52 Cards Project #23

This image captures my week quite well for my 52 Cards Project. In both life and art, I am working toward more connection and honesty with my own feelings. To allow myself to feel what I feel. To express how I feel—even if (and especially) if I think others might not be receptive. And to allow others their feelings too.

To recognize that no feelings are “bad”.

To stop stuffing, hiding, avoiding, justifying…

With last week’s card, as I release self judgement I am stepping out from behind my walls—and into—


Did you know that an ostrich feather is one symbol for truth? It goes back to the Egyptian belief that when each person dies their heart is set on a scale with an ostrich feather on the other end. Light as a feather? Heaven you go...or something like that. Surely, at least, heaven on earth. Where lots of star jasmine currently blossom all around me.

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