From me to you

Hi everyone,

In this global pandemic moment of forced social distance, I’m feeling a great need to connect with people and share useful information, creativity and generally more light in the world. So I thought I’d start a weekly habit of sharing.

Because group emails are cumbersome, I’m using an e-news software program. If you have friends who you think might like my links, feel free to forward this to them and they are welcome to subscribe (


Five things I want to share with you this week:

  1. Isn’t it time we stopped being played? I opened up my news app on my iphone yesterday and sure enough, my anxiety level began to spike.  Coronavirus is serious, but panic is optional .

  2. Useful information (from/consulting experts) on the pandemic you may not know. Let’s start with the positive Some good news on the coronavirus and something Italy didn’t do that New York will to save lives. Also, this interview with a virologist on the World Economic Forum, especially this chart:


3. Don’t worry about the dogs! The CDC and the American Veterinary Medical Association all say there is NO EVIDENCE that we can transmit COVID-19 to dogs or that they can spread it to us.They say that in theory (although there are no reported cases), if an infected person gets their fluid on a part of the fur and someone makes contact with that fluid in that place, the virus could be transmitted, but COVID stays on slick surfaces much longer than on fur—and again, no known cases anywhere.

4. What helps me cope with shelter at home social distancing: Exercise. May I suggest Oliveyah Fitness live stream exercise classes (available every day). Books. this crime/mystery series following a female P.I. for a change. Start with the first one and enjoy the ride. (I just finished book seven.)

5. Finally, art. Being creative is the best way I know to be present and enjoy time in these stressful times. No matter what your creative thing, please do it. Write, cook, dance, draw, sing…it helps so much.

Peace and joy until next week—
